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Meet Brandi, a gorgeous young girl ready for her forever family 💜

Gender: Female,
DoB: 2022,
Breed: Cross,
Dogs: Good,
Cats: Good,
Kids: Good

Brandi is a stunning young pup who had a difficult start to life. After being accidentally hit by a car and left unclaimed, she found herself in the care of a local vet. Despite her injury and lack of identification, her sweet temperament and lovable personality made her a favorite among the staff. With no one stepping forward to claim her, a decision was made to pay for her leg to be pinned and to find her a loving home.

She has been named Brandi and is currently being fostered by Dot, where she is flourishing and getting along well with other dogs. Her resilience and playful nature have won the hearts of those around her, and she is sure to bring joy and love to any home lucky enough to adopt her.